Rental Tenant FAQ

Frequently asked questions our tenants sometimes have for Grow Property Management.

This is A Guide for OUR Grow Property Management tenants, with answers to the most common questions on renting a property with our property management company. Here you can see a list of our property management policies regarding your tenancy in a rental property and see the full explanations here.

How do I submit a rental property repair request?

Per your lease, you are required to report any issues, or requested repairs to the rental property, through your rental tenant portal immediately. This will allow us to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Read those details here…

Can property rental late fees be waived?

Usually late rent fees can not be waived. This is the case, even if sometimes we might like to. There are a few reasons, some including regulations we follow as a Philadelphia property management company.  See a full explanation here…

What property repair & maintenance charges are my responsibility as a tenant?

Many repairs to a rental property fall to the property owner; but there are expense that are considered the tenant’s responsibility. Understand those items here…

Who is responsible for clogged toilets & pipes? Me as the tenant or the property property management company?

A clogged pipe can either be determined as tenant expense or as the responsibility of the property property management company. See how that is determined here…

How do I get my security deposit back?

Grow Property Management often can return all, or most security deposits for tenants moving out; but these are the common charges we sometimes have to make. See those here…

After I sign a lease will I be able to enter my rental property before my start date?

We get this question a lot; and we often would like to be able to accommodate; but generally we can’t early access. Here are the reasons why…

When is my rent due & where do I pay it?

Rent is almost always typically due on the 1st day of the month. But there maybe an exception in your rental property agreement. See a full explanation of your rent due date here…

How and where do I pay my rent to Grow Property Management?

For your ease and convenience your rent is to be paid electronically, online through your Tenant Portal. Read information and find access here…

What forms of payment can I use to pay my rent?

We accept several different forms of rental payments to make it easier on our tenants. See forms of payment here…

My bank denied the rental payment I made (NSF). Now what?

That does happen sometimes and often because of an unexpected bank policy. We do charge a fee for NSF. See that fee and read the explanation here…

What should I do if my roommate wants to move out – but I want to stay?

We get this request a few times a year and we do have a simple process. Read about that here...

Can someone else move into the property with me?

Life has many changes and we never know who might enter ours. If you want to open your door to someone Read about that here…

Can I get a new pet?

We love pets and many of our tenants have them. But not every property owner we manage allows pets. See our parameters here…

I want to renew my lease. How can this be done?

Virtually all of our tenants renew their leases and it is a very simple process. Find out how here…

It’s time I move. What do I need to do?

Tenant’s lives change and sometimes that means their rental properties do also. Find out how not to renew here…

What will you discuss with a co-signer?

Grow Property Management maintains the rights of the tenants, residing in the rental properties that we manage and can not discuss tenant matters with co-signers. Read more here…

Will you help me set up internet type services?

Unless stated differently in your lease, we do not assist tenants with internet service set up.  See a full explanation here…