How Do I View Invoices Directly From the Vendor?

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Once a Rental Property Landlord is logged in to their Owner Portal, they have access to several things, including copies of any invoice issued associated to any bill related to their property.

In your Grow Property Management Owner Portal click the “Bills” tab and use the drop-down box next view detail. You can then view, print or save it or know that it is there in your system for future use.

We do not upload copies of the originating invoice from the vendor’s company, due to complaints from vendors and damaged, even lost vendor relationships with past owners that have used the information on the invoice to contact these companies directly. We have had vendors harassed by property owners in attempt to negotiate set pricing, and property owners have soliciting service, creating the impression the payment for the service would be secured by us at Grow Property Management; and we’ve even had property owner that then sold their property and not paid the vendor what was due.

We work hard to foster long term relationships with vendors in such away that benefits all our property owners and tenants.

Our goal in a vendor relationship is for our property owners to pay less, get better quality and get work done faster, then they would otherwise.

One way we accomplish this at Grow Property Management to avoid wear & tear on vendors by paying them instantly, making sure they have easy access to the properties and no unnecessary hassles.

In short our vendors offer our owners very deep volume discounts, priority service and a very high level of accountability.

We will not expose our owners as a whole to the risks a single property owner can cause by harassment.

Therefore, it is our company’s policy  that original vendor invoices not be made available to property owners.

I do understand that nobody likes receiving a bill and that its human nature to seek out blame. I understand that a property owner might questions regarding a vendor’s pricing; but please understand that I do not.

I utilize my own experience in the construction trades, my formal education on construction management and development and also my experience as a property manager to determine pricing and appropriate repair to protect my client’s rental investments.

You may feel that you can get a repair done better, faster or for less; but know that I feel that is extremely unlikely.

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