Philadelphia Rent-Ready Rental Standards

Grow Property Management Rent-Ready Repair Standards

In order to comply with state City habitability standards, as well as Grow Property Management’s own internal standards, every property must meet the following requirements prior to Grow Property Management listing it for rent.

A rental property is an investment & standards less than listed below
increase vacancy, lower the rent, increases the liability, decreases the equity, increases property damage and increases the risks of City of Philadelphia violations.

Minimum Standards for Grow Property Management to List a Rental:

  1. Professionally cleaned to ‘Hotel Room Clean’
  2. Carpet professionally cleaned and looking fresh
  3. All walls should appear clean, painted to professional standards
  4. No holes in walls or unpainted patches
  5. No missing, broken, painted over or cracked outlet or switch covers
  6. All bedroom windows must have vertical or mini-blinds
  7. No personal property or items in the unit. This includes furniture, knickknacks, toiletries, Kleenex boxes, kitchen or bathroom items, soap dispenser, pictures, etc.
  8. No lawn equipment including mowers, tools, etc.
  9. Garage floor swept
  10. No exterior debris or weeds
  11. Lawn cut and trimmed
  12. Landscaping fresh and clean
  13. Carbon monoxide & smoke detector on each floor (or per state/local requirements) and not expired
  14. All light bulbs installed and working
  15. Doors open & close smoothly and doorstops installed on all doors
  16. Bathroom caulking must be fresh and free of any mildew
  17. All mechanical components working as designed. Includes HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems, kitchen appliances, laundry appliances, sump pumps, water softeners, sprinkler systems, swamp coolers, gas fireplaces, water filtration systems, etc. Essentially, if it’s in the house, it must work as it was supposed to work by the manufacturer.
  18. Safety railings secure 

After repairs are completed, we will conduct a rent-ready inspection to ensure that the property meets the above minimum rental standards. If anything is found deficient, we will promptly schedule our vendors to complete the remaining work.